Whitney Neugebauer (@whalescout) host of the Whale Scout podcast on Whale Scout, whale woes and how much of that 1.1 billion dollars Washington Governor Jay Inslee just pledged to save whales will actually be spent on saving whales.

To find out more about Whale Scout and Whitney Neugebauer visit https://www.whalescout.org

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Whitney Neugebauer & Monika Wieland-Shields (Orca Behavior Institute) on Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s Orca Recovery Plans



  1. The Snake River dam story in the Seattle Times
  2. Dam Sense
  3. David Bain on the proposed whale watching moratorium
  4. Jay Inslee pledges 1.1 billion to save orcas
  5. Whale Scout on Facebook
  6. Whale Scout Website


This should be no secret if you regularly listen to the podcast since we credit them in our sponsored episodes, but Skaana’s sponsors include Eagle Wing Whale Watching Tours. We also shot part of The Hundred-Year-Old Whale onboard Eagle Wing boats after Orca godfather, Ken Balcomb, gave them his seal of approval. Eagle Wing’s sponsorship (which you can see alongside our other sponsors if you check out our Patreon page) is $50 a month. While this is most appreciated – and we’d love to have you join too — it’s not enough to buy our opinions. Sorry TransMountain…

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Quotes from episode 10 with Zoe Hopkins. “Should tankers pass through these waters, the threat of a spill is not only a potential, it is a certainty. The only uncertainty is how long would we have to wait and how many times would it happen.” (from Kayak to Klemtu)