Dr. David Suzuki (@DavidSuzuki) is Canada’s most iconic environmentalist and even in his eighties, he’s still fighting for our future. Skaana celebrates the end of the decade by recycling our premiere episode where we talked about fake facts, toxic whales and taking the heat off the planet and putting it on politicians.

“How can you make big decisions in your life if you’re not scientifically literate?”

Skaana connects you to stories about orcas, oceans, eco-ethics and the environment.

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Skaana home….. skaana.org

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World… http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q 

Orcas Everywhere… http://www.orcaseverywhere.com

Links Mentioned:

Support Dr David Suzuki:

Home: http://www.davidsuzuki.org/

Dr. Suzuki’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidsuzuki?lang=en

Suzuki Foundation Twitter: https://twitter.com/DavidSuzukiFDN?lang=en

Dr. Suzuki’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavidSuzuki/

Letters to my Grandchildren:  http://amzn.to/2oPTbVq

Force of Nature:  http://amzn.to/2o9XMDd

The Legacy:  http://amzn.to/2pJ8Jc6

The post David Suzuki on Our Past, Present & Future

Support Local Anxiety:


Camille Labchuk (@CamilleLabchuk) executive director of Animal Justice (@AnimalJustice) talks with Mark Leiren-Young (@Leirenyoung) about Canada’s new laws to cancel cetacean captivity and finish finning sharks and the fight for legal rights for animals and vegans. 

Skaana connects you with eco-heroes sharing ideas about oceans, eco-ethics, the environment and how you can change the world.

“Canada hadn’t passed any serious new animal protection legislation since the eighteen hundreds. That’s pretty shocking to most people.” – Camille Labchuk

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Skaana home…..skaana.org

Skaana on iTunes… Skaana.ca



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


Vegan firefighter suing the government says he didn’t deserve hunger and humiliation: ‘I’m tired of nice’ | The Star

Canada’s new shark fin ban sets an example for the world

In passage of ‘Free Willy’ bill, Canada bans captivity and breeding of whales and dolphins

Environmentalism’s next frontier: giving nature legal rights

BREAKING NEWS: House votes to end shark fin sales in the U.S.

Support Camille Labchuck

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The Southern Resident Orcas Talk Trudeau

The Southern Resident Orcas do not have a voice in Canada’s federal election.  We wanted to give them a chance to speak their truth.  Here it is, with a little commentary from Mark Leiren-Young.

The Liberal Party Platform

Read the official Liberal Party Platform here:  https://2019.liberal.ca/our-platform/?utm_source=2019.liberal.ca&utm_medium=platform-casgrain

The Liberals wish our friends at the Canadian Orca Rescue Society would stop carrying their adorable orca balloons at every West Coast protest and reminding voters about pipelines and bitumen. Justin Trudeau supporters also claim the prime minister was fond of dressing up as a Blackfish. Oops… that’s not in the official platform.

Officially… Team Trudeau boldly declares #whalelivesmatter.

“From coast to coast to coast, the health of Canada’s oceans matters—to the people whose livelihoods depend on them and to the marine species, including whales and commercial fishing stocks, that cannot exist without them.”

Someone in the PMO also finally read the Cohen report—or listened to the unsinkable Alexandra Morton—and are looking to “transition from open net pen salmon farming in coastal waters to closed containment systems by 2025”.

Skaana connects you to news and experts and their discussions about orcas, oceans and the environment.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

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Skaana home…..skaana.org



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Orcas Everywhere orcaseverwhere.com

A message from the producer Rayne Benu:

Decisions being made by our leaders over the next four years will change the course of history and could be the key factor in whether our Southern Residents survive and thrive.

I can’t tell you who to vote for this election.

I carry a deep sadness in my heart that none of the parties have any official policy on the Southern Residents.  I have a longing in my soul for someone to stand up and represent the species that live here on our beautiful planet, that do not have a voice.   Many people and organizations are willing to stand up and use the images of the orcas when it’s convenient for them to make a political point, or to sell an idea, but when it comes down to the fundamental truths that they live by, forget to mention the Orcas in their policies, core platforms and overall vision.

If a party had a policy or had even mentioned the SROs in their platforms, that is who I would be championing.    

With the federal election, and what’s happening down south, it’s hard not to feel discouraged by it all.  I look around and there’s a lot public mudslinging, so much it’s getting hard to see the actual people with all the mud on their faces (ok, some of that is probably just the brown-face….)

I worry a lot about how partisan we are all getting – how tribal and us vs them things can be.

I encourage you with all my heart to ask good questions of the individuals involved right now, instead of throwing more mud.

I know you have a million things to do this week,  but I want to encourage you to take a moment to try to meet or get to know something about the person you’re considering voting for in your riding.    There’s still time.

Are they someone you could talk to or bring concerns to?   Do they want to serve the people, or is running for office an ego trip?  Do their volunteers like them? Is the campaign office a positive and welcoming place to be?   How do they work with others?   Are they integral?  Honest?   Clear on their objectives?  Are they kind?

Because if you can have a conversation, there’s room to grow.  No matter which party wins the election, your representative is there for you, and we all better make sure that they care about their communities.  You are the only voice in this election that the Southern Residents have.    

Please use your voice responsibly, and consider those who can not speak and whose family, culture and future are on the line this election.

Peace out


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The post Orcas on Trudeau: The Southern Residents Dish Dirt on Canada’s Federal Election appeared first on MLY.


The latest on the Lummi Nation’s fight to free Lolita (Tokitae), ceremonial feedings of the southern resident orcas, rights, responsibilities and reunification from Kurt Russo of the Lummi Nation Sovereignty and Treaty Protection Office. Stories of inspiring actions to save the orcas for Orca Action Month. 

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about oceans, orcas and the environment.

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Skaana Tip Jar… https://paypal.me/skaana  

Skaana home…..skaana.org

Skaana on iTunes… Skaana.ca



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


  1. Lummi Nation fights for return of relative
  2.  Rembering Lolita, an orca taken nearly 49 years ago and still in captivity at the Miami Seaquarium  https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/endangered-southern-resident-orcas-seen-swimming-off-california-coast-1.4360793

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The post Lummi & Orcas – Kurt Russo on Liberating Lolita & Saving the Southern Residents appeared first on MLY.


Green Party leader Elizabeth May (@ElizabethMayon Canada’s Free Willy Bill, NDP MP Fin Donnelly (@FinDonnelly)on how we can fight for the law to end shark finning and researcher Josh McInnes on southern resident orcas going south to California. A Skaana triple-header.

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about oceans, orcas and the environment.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

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Skaana Tip Jar… https://paypal.me/skaana  

Skaana home…..skaana.org

Skaana on iTunes… Skaana.ca



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Surprising Orca, Dolphin sightings in Monterey Bay:

VIDEO: Surprising Orca, Dolphin Sightings in Monterey Bay

  • Green Party leader Elizabeth May on the history and future of Canada’s Free Willy” bill.
  • NDP MP Fin Donnelly on how the Liberals may torpedo his anti-finning bill.
  • Researcher Josh McInnes on transient resident orcas and Gerlache orcas in action.


  1. Elizabeth May on the fight to end cetaceans in captivity in Canada https://ipolitics.ca/2019/04/02/free-willy-bill-sent-to-house-of-commons-for-final-vote/
  2. Fin Donnelly’s fight for an anti shark-finning bill https://ipolitics.ca/2019/04/02/donnelly-disappointed-by-liberal-stalling-on-shark-finning-bill/
  3. Southern Resident Orcas swim to California https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/endangered-southern-resident-orcas-seen-swimming-off-california-coast-1.4360793
  4. Gerlache orcas in action vs. penguins https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2265860040139488
  5. To check Canada’s DFO proposals and weigh in before May 3, 2019 http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/fm-gp/srkw-eprs/index-eng.html
  6. See stunning drone footage of orcas kicking salmon and chasing birds in Monterey Bay https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/environment/article229802934.html#storylink=cpy

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Jason Colby (@jasoncolby2) author of Orca: How We Came to Know and Love the Ocean’s Greatest Predator on the history of humanity’s relationship with orcas – and his personal connection to the capture era.

“I refer to this sometimes as the unthinkable history of the Pacific North West.”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about oceans, orcas and the environment.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

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Skaana Tip Jar… https://paypal.me/skaana  

Skaana home…..skaana.org

Skaana on iTunes… Skaana.ca



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


  1. Why Tilikum, SeaWorld’s Killer Orca, Was Infamous: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/01/tilikum-seaworld-orca-killer-whale-dies/
  2. BC’s Pioneer Of Killer Whale Research: https://www.bcmag.ca/bcs-pioneer-of-killer-whale-research/
  3. Era of the Orca Cowboys: https://thetyee.ca/Life/2008/05/16/OrcaCowboys/
  4. From Machine Guns to Save-the-Whales: https://georgiastrait.org/2018/06/from-machine-guns-to-save-the-whales/
  5. They Shoot Orcas, Don’t They? File this under weird BC history. The harpooning of Moby Doll: https://thetyee.ca/Life/2008/05/13/ShootingOrcas/
  6. Sighting of rare giant basking shark in B.C. thrills scientists: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/sighting-of-rare-giant-basking-shark-in-b-c-thrills-scientists-1.3618708
  7. PBS: Interview with Ted Griffin: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/whales/interviews/griffin.html
  8. YouTube: Breaching Basking Sharks | World’s Weirdest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsC61g36EqM
  9. YouTube: Ted Griffin taking a break while orca hunting in 1965: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7jcFR6xE_o

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Captain Paul Watson (@CaptPaulWatson) founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (@SeaShepherdSSCS) on the Sea Shepherd’s journey from outlaws to law enforcement and his battles to save the fish, the whales and the oceans.

“To be a real conservationist, you have to look ahead a million years.”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

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Skaana Tip Jar… https://paypal.me/skaana  

Skaana home…..skaana.org

Skaana on iTunes… Skaana.ca



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


Support Our Guest

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Sea Shepherd Global

Sea Shepherd legal

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Whitney Neugebauer (@whalescout) host of the Whale Scout podcast on Whale Scout, whale woes and how much of that 1.1 billion dollars Washington Governor Jay Inslee just pledged to save whales will actually be spent on saving whales.

To find out more about Whale Scout and Whitney Neugebauer visit https://www.whalescout.org

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about orcas, oceans and the environment.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

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Skaana home….. skaana.org

“Your Magical Week” – meditation with Rayne Benu…. digital-enlightenment.net

Facebook……….. https://www.facebook.com/skaanapod/

Twitter…………… https://twitter.com/skaanapod

The Killer Whale Who Changed the World… http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q 

Orcas Everywhere… http://www.orcaseverywhere.com

Whitney Neugebauer & Monika Wieland-Shields (Orca Behavior Institute) on Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s Orca Recovery Plans



  1. The Snake River dam story in the Seattle Times
  2. Dam Sense
  3. David Bain on the proposed whale watching moratorium
  4. Jay Inslee pledges 1.1 billion to save orcas
  5. Whale Scout on Facebook
  6. Whale Scout Website


This should be no secret if you regularly listen to the podcast since we credit them in our sponsored episodes, but Skaana’s sponsors include Eagle Wing Whale Watching Tours. We also shot part of The Hundred-Year-Old Whale onboard Eagle Wing boats after Orca godfather, Ken Balcomb, gave them his seal of approval. Eagle Wing’s sponsorship (which you can see alongside our other sponsors if you check out our Patreon page) is $50 a month. While this is most appreciated – and we’d love to have you join too — it’s not enough to buy our opinions. Sorry TransMountain…

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Julia Barnes writer, director & star of Sea of Life (Seaoflifemovie.com) talks to Skaana producer, Rayne Benu, about what’s killing our oceans and why we need to be heroes to save the fish and ourselves.

“Everyone has the potential to be a hero for the natural world.”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

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Skaana Tip Jar… https://paypal.me/skaana  

Skaana home…..skaana.org

Skaana on iTunes… Skaana.ca



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


  1. Ocean Ark Alliance
  2. Ella Saves the Ocean
  3. What is Ocean Acidification
  4. The Great Hammerhead
  5. Junkyard Symphony

Support Julia Barnes

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Support Junkyard Symphony:

Website: https://www.junkyardsymphony.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JunkyardSymphony/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/junkyardsymphony/

Fin Donnelly (@FinDonnelly), NDP critic for Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard, on the history and future of his fight for a law to protect sharks and what you can do to help pass a new Canadian law to end Canada’s role in shark-finning.

To help turn this bill into law sign the Oceana petition to ban the sale and importation of shark fins.


These animals predate dinosaurs… and the scary thing is it could be on humans’ watch that we would lose them.

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

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Skaana home…..skaana.org



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World….http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Orcas Everywhere…. http://www.orcaseverywhere.com

Fin Donnelly on Saving the Southern Resident Orcas


  1. Senator MacDonald: Shark finning is unsustainable, irresponsible and ecologically reckless
  2. MPs, senators unite to oppose ‘finning’ at premiere of ‘Sharkwater Extinction’
  3. Proposed federal shark fin ban a good ‘first step,’ Vancouver advocate says

Fin Donnelly

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Julia Barnes, (Sea of Life), and Jonah Bryson @JonahLBryson (The Fight for Bala) on how Rob Stewart (Sharkwater Extinction, Sharkwater, Revolution) inspired them to make movies to change the world.

“In Revolution, I was learning for the first time that the world’s coral reefs, rainforests and fisheries are expected to be gone by the middle of the century.”

– Julia Barnes

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about orcas, oceans and the environment.

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Check out Rob Stewart’s film “Sharkwater Extinction”


Guest: Julia Barnes



Guest: Jonah Bryson



Rob Stewart:

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Rob Stewart’s Sharkwater Extinction (premieres in Canadian theatres Oct 19th. Celebrate earth’s real-life Aquaman with never-before heard interviews from the  launch of his 2013  documentary, Revolution, as Rob talks about big dreams, fighting for the future and why kids will save the world.

Any revolution in the past has been led by the people most directly impacted by the atrocity… now it’s going to be kids because they’re going to be the ones that are impacted by it. It’s their future that we’re taking.”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Check out Sharkwater Extinction:


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Michael Moore waving the flag.

Michael Moore (@MMFlint) on making waves, making movies, making enemies and Canada, eh. A Trump-Free interview from the Obama era archives with Skaana host: Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung). 

Skaana connects you to news and experts and their discussions about orcas, oceans and the environment.

Fahrenheit 11/9… https://fahrenheit119.com

Georgia Strait Alliance… https://georgiastrait.org

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

The Hundred-Year-Old Whale…. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thehundredyearoldwhale

Skaana on Medium… https://medium.com/skaana

Mark Leiren-Young for The Narwhal… https://thenarwhal.ca/author/mark-leiren-young/

For more on this story

Michael Moore tears into America with Capitalism: A Love Story

Eating Pizza and Slicing Up Capitalism with Michael Moore

“I wish more Americans would look north and see that there are some things we can learn from you, that we might be better off if we were more Canadian-like in some ways. Not the boring, dull stuff. But there’s something about your core, your values, the way you’re wired. You believe that you’re your brother’s keeper, that you have a responsibility, that you exist as part of a whole. If one of you gets sick, it means that if that’s not taken care of, then we all sort of suffer a bit. I think that’s pretty profound.”

Fahrenheit 11/9

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  • The Killer Whale Who Changed the World http://amzn.to/2sISiOa


David Neiwert (@DavidNeiwert) – an expert on orcas and America’s Alt-Right – talks orcas, empathy and why fighting for whales still matters in the Age of Trump.  Neiwert is the author of Of Orcas and Men: What Killer Whales Can Teach Us & Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump.

“The fight against Trump and against hate groups and against the far radical right is very much the same fight that I’m engaged with when it comes to saving whales, which is the fight to decide what kind of humans we are going to be.”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

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Skaana home…..skaana.org



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


  1. Four Lower Snake River Dams
  2. Aryan Nations
  3. Milo Protest at the University of Washington
  4. Ingrid Visser
  5. Alexandra Morton

Support David Neiwert

Official Website: http://dneiwert.blogspot.com

Twitter: @DavidNeiwert

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavidNeiwertAuthor/

Southern Poverty Law Center: https://www.splcenter.org

Books on Amazon

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Support the Arrogant Worms:

Link to the Bob Bossin original song: Here!


Kelly Iriye, project coordinator for Damsense (@DAMSNSE) on how breaching the Snake River dams could help save the endangered southern resident orcas and why the arguments against damsense are nonsense. #FreeTheSnake

Skaana connects you to news and experts and their discussions about orcas, oceans and the environment.

Damsense… https://damsense.org/get-involved/

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

The Hundred-Year-Old Whale…. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thehundredyearoldwhale

Skaana on Medium… https://medium.com/skaana

Mark Leiren-Young for The Narwhal… https://thenarwhal.ca/author/mark-leiren-young/

Kelly Iriye, Project Coordinator, Damsense

For more on this story

Kelly’s advice: YELL! Write a hand-written letter to elected officials, the BPA, the Army Corps of Engineers. Call them and give them your 2-cents. But always press the issue that breaching can begin in 2018 and there is no reason it shouldn’t! On our website, the Get Involved page:  we’ve links to all the documents you’d need to build your case and get the mailing address and phone numbers to the various stakeholders.

Snake River – Lower Granite Dam

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  • The Killer Whale Who Changed the World http://amzn.to/2sISiOa


Ken Balcomb (Centre for Whale Research @CWROrcas) talks Tahlequah (J-35), Scarlet (J-50) and what we need to do to save the southern resident orcas before we meet the teams from NOAA and the DFO fighting to save Scarlet in this special update on the status of J-Pod. And the world premiere of a new song by poet & author Pauline La Bel. #FreeTheSnake

Skaana connects you to news and experts and their discussions about orcas, oceans and the environment.

Center for Whale Research….https://www.whaleresearch.com

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Skaana home…..skaana.org



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Skaana on Medium… https://medium.com/skaana

Mark Leiren-Young for The Narwhal… https://thenarwhal.ca/author/mark-leiren-young/

For more on this story

NOAA updates of J-35 & J-50 http://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa.gov/protected_species/marine_mammals/killer_whale/updates-j50-j35.html

The Whale Sanctuary Project is on the scene of Operation Scarlet and updating regularly  https://whalesanctuaryproject.org/updates-on-the-j-pod-orcas/

Jeff Foster tests the breath sample test pole on the NOAA vessel which will be used in the health assesment of J50. (Photo: Katy Foster)

  • *Amazon links are affiliate links and support our podcast, thanks for clicking! 
  • The Killer Whale Who Changed the World http://amzn.to/2sISiOa

Support Pauline Le Bel


Dr. Lori Marino (Blackfish; The Sanctuary Project; The Kimmela Centre for Animal Advocacy) on seeking sanctuary, captive orcas (Corky, Lolita & Kiska), animal rights and wrongs & more.

“Being a dolphin in a captive environment, in a concrete tank, doing tricks, is not being a dolphin… A dolphin is someone who has a life to lead and is not necessarily interested in looking to you to enrich their lives, they’re going about their business.

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

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Skaana home…..skaana.org



The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


  1. Dr. Marino talks possible sanctuary locations 
  2. Mirrors and dolphins 
  3. Are dolphins smarter than your kid?
  4. The Canadian Senate talks cetacean rights

Support Dr. Lori Marino

Official Website: Whale Sanctuary Project

Official Website: Center for Animal Advocacy 

Books on Amazon

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Song of the Episode:

The Dorsals With The Gatormen “Namu”


“The ocean is a planetary issue, not a First Nations issue.”

Can a determined teenager stop a pipeline? Zoe Hopkins’ new movie, Kayak to Klemtu, was inspired by the battle to stop the Northern Gateway Pipeline. Mark Leiren-Young hosted Hopkins at the 2017 Victoria Film Festival where she talked about the inspirations behind her inspiring new movie.

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about our environment, oceans, and orcas.

Use the links below to support the pod.

The Hundred Year Old Whale coming soon to Vimeo 

AS A SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING US we have an exclusive promo code to pre-buy the film. Use code “Skaana15” FOR 15% OFF the purchase price between June 1st and July 20th. The film will be yours to rent or own on July 21st. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thehundredyearoldwhale

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Zoe Hopkins and Kayak to Klemtu:

Support Ta’Kaiya Blaney: 

Thanks to our Sponsors!



“Canadians have not been consulted in this whole GMO experiment.”

BC’s farmed salmon are the only genetically modified animals for sale in Canada according to guest, Aube Giroux. Award winning author and filmmaker, Mark Leiren-Young, talks to the filmmaker behind Modified about genetically modified fruits, vegetables and fish or, as our government prefers to call them, “plants with novel traits”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about our environment, oceans, and orcas.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

The Hundred Year Old Whale is playing in Victoria!!

Get Tickets:   http://www.cinevic.ca/short-circuit-pacific-rim-film-festival-2018-pacific-rim-docs/

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Aube Giroux and Modified:

Modified: https://www.modifiedthefilm.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modifiedthefilm/

Twitter: @Aubergineblog

Instagram: @kitchenvignettes

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjZtlRReje8

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Canadian federal Green Party leader, Elizabeth May (@ElizabethMay), talks about saving orcas and right whales; stopping Kinder Morgan and Bilcon and Canada’s toothless endangered species laws.

All whales matter. All cetaceans matter. All life matters.

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

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Skaana home….. skaana.org

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Twitter…………… https://twitter.com/leirenyoung

The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Gwen Barlee Memorial fund….  https://www.wildernesscommittee.org/GBMF

Check out our YouTube playlist of videos related to this Podcast Episode:


Bilcon vs. Right Whales:

  1. Trade Deals vs. ‘Core Community Values’
  2. A remote Nova Scotian strip of land is symbolic of upcoming NAFTA fight
  3. A Nafta Battleground on the Shores of Canada 

Support Elizabeth May

On Twitter: @ElizabethMay

Official Website:  http://www.elizabethmaymp.ca

Contact:  http://elizabethmaymp.ca/home/contact-team-widget/contact-team/

Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethMayGreenLeader/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/greenpartycanada/

Books on Amazon

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Support the Smugglers: 


Today Norway is one of only three whaling nations in the world, but the country’s whaling operations used to be worldwide. Dag Ingemar Børresen of Sandefjord’s Whaling Museum (Hvalfangstmuseet) on Norway’s whaling history and the market for Minke meat.

“I guess…Norwegians are not very…. I mean it was just….  a whale.  I don’t think Norwegians have this sort of emotional connection with the whales at all..”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about environments, oceans, and orcas.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

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Skaana home….. skaana.org

Facebook……….. https://www.facebook.com/skaanapod/

Twitter…………… https://twitter.com/leirenyoung

The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Hvalfangstmuseet.no …. http://www.hvalfangstmuseet.no/

Check out our YouTube playlist of videos related to this Podcast Episode:



Relevant News stories from podcast (news/video):

Support the Arrogant Worms: 

Sponsor #1: Eagle Wing Tours

Sponsor #2:  i.O.N. Clothing

Support the Museum

On Twitter: @hvalfangstmuseet

Official Website: Hvalfangstmuseet

Facebook:  Hvalfangstmuseet Sandefjord


Books on Amazon 

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Alexandra Morton (@alex4salmon) is one of Canada’s most famous eco-activists. The best-selling author’s fight to save the west coast’s wild salmon attracted the attention of the Sea Shepherd Society and  launched Operation Virus Hunter – a mission to publicize Morton’s research into open sea salmon farms. Tune in if you care about oceans, orcas, salmon or sushi.

“I’m determined not to let these salmon go down on my watch.”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about environments, oceans, and orcas.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

Join the Pod…… https://www.patreon.com/skaana

Skaana home….. skaana.org

Facebook……….. https://www.facebook.com/skaanapod/

Twitter…………… https://twitter.com/leirenyoung

The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Gwen Barlee Memorial fund….  https://www.wildernesscommittee.org/GBMF


Support Alexandra Morton

On Twitter: @alex4salmon

Blog: http://alexandramorton.typepad.com

Official Website:  http://www.alexandramorton.ca

Follow on Facebook:  https://m.facebook.com/alexandramorton.wildsalmon/

Documentary:  http://www.salmonconfidential.ca

Legal Fund: https://www.gofundme.com/fightfishfarmslegal

Books on Amazon

**Amazon links are affiliate links and support our podcast, thanks for clicking! 


The BC Sierra Club has been at the forefront of eco-activism for almost 50 years. Mark Leiren-Young talks to their campaigns director, Caitlyn Vernon, about protecting the whales, the oceans and her award-winning book about the Great Bear Rainforest.

“This is where the ludicrousness of the way we measure economic progress comes into play: an oil spill is good for GDP”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about environments, oceans, and orcas.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

Join the Pod…… https://www.patreon.com/skaana

Skaana home….. skaana.org

Facebook……….. https://www.facebook.com/skaanapod/

Twitter…………… https://twitter.com/leirenyoung

The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q


Links Mentioned:

Caitlyn Vernon and Sierra Club BC

Sierra BC twitter: https://twitter.com/Sierra_BC?lang=en

Sierra BC facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SierraClubBC/

Sierra BC home: http://sierraclub.bc.ca/

The Killer Whale Who Changed the World  http://amzn.to/2sISiOa

Nowhere Else on Earth

Kindle: http://amzn.to/2skwWtj

Standard: http://amzn.to/2s1MaTA

**Amazon links are affiliate links and support our podcast, thanks for clicking! 

Dr. Andrew Weaver (@AJWVictoriaBC), one of Canada’s most respected climate scientists, left the ivory tower to run for the legislature with the BC Green Party. Mark Leiren-Young met with BC’s first Green MLA as he launched his bid to become Canada’s first Green Premier.

“This has got to be the most rewarding job anybody can have, anywhere in the world.”

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about environments, oceans, and orcas.

You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod.

Join the Pod…… https://www.patreon.com/skaana

Skaana home….. skaana.org

Facebook……….. https://www.facebook.com/skaanapod/

Twitter…………… https://twitter.com/leirenyoung

The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q

Links Mentioned:

Dr Andrew Weaver and the BC Greens

Dr. Weaver’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJWVictoriaBC

BC Green Party:  http://www.bcgreens.ca/  

On Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/BCGreens/

Generation US: http://amzn.to/2oS5TTA

Keeping our Cool:   http://amzn.to/2oRW0FG