Green Party leader Elizabeth May (@ElizabethMayon Canada’s Free Willy Bill, NDP MP Fin Donnelly (@FinDonnelly)on how we can fight for the law to end shark finning and researcher Josh McInnes on southern resident orcas going south to California. A Skaana triple-header.

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World….

Surprising Orca, Dolphin sightings in Monterey Bay:

VIDEO: Surprising Orca, Dolphin Sightings in Monterey Bay

  • Green Party leader Elizabeth May on the history and future of Canada’s Free Willy” bill.
  • NDP MP Fin Donnelly on how the Liberals may torpedo his anti-finning bill.
  • Researcher Josh McInnes on transient resident orcas and Gerlache orcas in action.


  1. Elizabeth May on the fight to end cetaceans in captivity in Canada
  2. Fin Donnelly’s fight for an anti shark-finning bill
  3. Southern Resident Orcas swim to California
  4. Gerlache orcas in action vs. penguins
  5. To check Canada’s DFO proposals and weigh in before May 3, 2019
  6. See stunning drone footage of orcas kicking salmon and chasing birds in Monterey Bay

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Canadian federal Green Party leader, Elizabeth May (@ElizabethMay), talks about saving orcas and right whales; stopping Kinder Morgan and Bilcon and Canada’s toothless endangered species laws.

All whales matter. All cetaceans matter. All life matters.

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment.

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World….

Gwen Barlee Memorial fund….

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Bilcon vs. Right Whales:

  1. Trade Deals vs. ‘Core Community Values’
  2. A remote Nova Scotian strip of land is symbolic of upcoming NAFTA fight
  3. A Nafta Battleground on the Shores of Canada 

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Elizabeth May
“All whales matter. All cetaceans matter. All life matters.”

“All whales matter. All cetaceans matter. All life matters.”

“If you’re looking for charismatic megafauna you really can’t beat the amazing creatures that whales are – for their intelligence, for their intricate communications, for their relationships.”

“The most endangered whale species in Canada is the right whale, and what we need to do is stop a company called Bilcon from the United States from getting permission to build a quarry on Digby Neck, Nova Scotia…”

“There are whales at risk all around the world, but our southern resident killer whale population is also extremely endangered. The loss of even one animal could imperil the population as a whole.”

“The number one thing we need to do to protect the southern resident killer whale population is to make sure we don’t see new pipelines that increase the tanker traffic.”

“…the Kinder Morgan proposal particularly was found even by the National Energy Board Environmental Assessment that was woefully inadequate, even they had to take account of Department of Fisheries and Oceans expert testimony that whale strikes from the increase in tanker traffic is a significant risk to the survival of the Southern Resident killer whale population.”

“We need to protect their habitat, we need to protect their food source, which means taking care of our salmon. We need to take care of, and pay attention to, the amount of noise in our marine environment… So we need to pay attention to giving them enough space.”

“…I’ve had some close encounters of the whale kind, just being on the water and being silent, and seeing what happens… When it happens, it’s quite an extraordinary experience and quite powerful, to come eye to eye with a whale.”

“Kinder Morgan’s pipeline is a threat, a direct threat, to the Southern Resident killer whale population.”

“We can’t forget the oceans. The oceans are out of sight and out of mind to those of us land animals. And the multiple threats to our oceans are growing.”

“[Ocean acidification] is a scary threat, and it’s looming, and we don’t know enough about it.”

“They need the three-quarters of this planet that is the ocean. We live on the one-quarter of this planet that’s land. But we can’t live on land without those oceans. Terrestrial species need oceans, and we tend to forget about them.”

“End our addiction to fossil fuels”

“We’re pushing as hard as we can to bring back science and to have Environment Canada have the kind of budget it needs to hire more people, so that we can actually have recovery plans for endangered species that make sense.”

“This generation, humanity now, has an obligation to stop robbing our children.”