“So when I came back to Canada, I couldn’t shake this nagging question, that if GMOs are labelled in 64 countries around the world, why are they not labelled in Canada and the United States? Well, that seemingly simple question ended up raising a whole bunch more questions, about not just the state of our food, but the state of our democracy, and the influence that corporations have over our politicians and our food policies. ”
“Genetically engineered salmon is the first GMO animal that’s being sold for human consumption. In Canada we’re actually the first and only country in the world that is selling it to consumers.”
“We have a right to know what is in our food and what is being sold to us.”
“The Trudeau government came into power with these claims, that they were going to bring on transparency at every level of government. That they were going to listen to Canadians. And on the GMO issue, we saw the exact opposite on that bill.”
“I think in time truth always prevails. And I think that a lot of people are waking up. I think it’s taken us a long time here in Canada.”
“The no side did talk to me. I set up an interview in Sacramento, rented a car, hired a camera guy, we drove there, we did the interview, and then when the interview was all done, she wouldn’t sign my release form. “
“If you go on the Health Canada website, you can kind of find out which GMO’s are on the market, but it’s very confusing because they call them plants with novel traits.”
“Canada is now the first and the only country in the world where we are now eating the world’s first GMO animal, and that is genetically modified Atlantic salmon. It was right after the GMO labelling bill failed last may, that the company that produces the salmon, announced “Oh, we’ve just sold 5 tonnes of our salmon to Canadians”. But because the bill had failed, they didn’t have to label it. And even though they proudly declared they are now selling it to Canadians, they refused to disclose where it was being sold.”
“So on the one hand, there’s this kind of bragging that “oh we have this wonderful new salmon, it’s safe, it’s great, it’s going to be good for the environment”. But on the other hand there’s this complete, um, refusal, to inform the consumer. Or to even ask Canadians “do we even want this salmon? Do we want to be eating it?”