Green Party leader Elizabeth May (@ElizabethMayon Canada’s Free Willy Bill, NDP MP Fin Donnelly (@FinDonnelly)on how we can fight for the law to end shark finning and researcher Josh McInnes on southern resident orcas going south to California. A Skaana triple-header.

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The Killer Whale Who Changed the World….

Surprising Orca, Dolphin sightings in Monterey Bay:

VIDEO: Surprising Orca, Dolphin Sightings in Monterey Bay

  • Green Party leader Elizabeth May on the history and future of Canada’s Free Willy” bill.
  • NDP MP Fin Donnelly on how the Liberals may torpedo his anti-finning bill.
  • Researcher Josh McInnes on transient resident orcas and Gerlache orcas in action.


  1. Elizabeth May on the fight to end cetaceans in captivity in Canada
  2. Fin Donnelly’s fight for an anti shark-finning bill
  3. Southern Resident Orcas swim to California
  4. Gerlache orcas in action vs. penguins
  5. To check Canada’s DFO proposals and weigh in before May 3, 2019
  6. See stunning drone footage of orcas kicking salmon and chasing birds in Monterey Bay

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